Popular Entertainment During WWII for a WAC in the Southwest Pacific
By Greta Suiter, Manuscripts Archivist, Ohio University Libraries Didn’t I write and tell you about the enclosed? (Irving Berlin)? He was up here the day before Christmas for dinner and also went to the hospital. Hope I’ll get a chance to see his show when it comes. Never thought in the fall of 1942 that…
Processing the OHIO LGBT Collection
By Maggie Bennink, History and Classical Civilizations ’24, Mahn Center Fall 2022 Intern As an intern for the Mahn Center, I was able to process an entirely new collection of materials that was donated this past summer. Initially, this prospect was daunting, as I had no experience doing archival work. The collection is also fairly…
OHIO Digital Archives updates: Fall 2022
By Erin Wilson, Digital Imaging Specialist & Lab Manager, Digital Initiatives This news update is part of a semi-regular series highlighting recent additions, exhibits, and projects of Ohio University Libraries Digital Initiatives. Read on for a sample of newly digitized materials that are publicly available in our Digital Archives. See previous updates in the unit’s…
O’Bleness Family Collection: Updates on the Mystery Photo Album
By Anna Denman, History ’23, Fall 2022 Archives Intern In my first post about the Mystery Photo Album, I wrote that I hoped to continue identifying photographs from the album and piecing together the O’Bleness family’s story. In the five weeks that followed my last post, I spent hours familiarizing myself with the O’Bleness family,…